International biennale for børn i grafik / for English please look below


Vi inviterer alle børn i alderen 5 til 16 år til at deltage i vores grafik biennale IBK. Biennalen er en mulighed for det kreative barn til at få et grafisk print udstillet i vores galleri i august. Alle deltagere er sikret ét print til udstillingen, hvor en international jury vil bedømme det bedste print.

Temaet for årets biennale er H. C. Andersens eventyr. Man kan vælge frit af hans fortællinger som inspiration til det grafiske tryk.


Det grafiske tryk skal være 10 x 10 cm (papirformatet skal maks. være 15x15cm.)

Man må indsende 2 tryk pr. barn.

Det grafiske tryk skal være produceret af det enkelte barn. Skoleklasser kan tilmelde en klasse hvor hver elev har produceret et tryk.

Hvis man ikke har mulighed for at bruge en trykpresse, findes der forskellige teknikker, som man kan bruge derhjemme. En teknik er bl.a. monotypi, som man kan undersøge nærmere i guidevideoer.

Gå til videoerne på YouTube >


Praktisk information

Frist for tilmelding: 1. juni 2023

Frist for indlevering af værker: 15. juni 2023

Fernisering d. 5. august kl. 14-16:00

Pris for deltagelse pr. barn (2 print): 50 kr. som kan købes via vores webshop

Pris for deltagelse med en hel klasse: 200 kr. som kan købes via vores webshop


Fyns Grafiske Værksted forbeholder sig ret til at bruge alle indsendte værker i annoncering af IBK’21 og anden promovering af IBK.

IBK har en side på Facebook, hvor der opdateres med billeder, blanketter for tilmeldinger o.lign, som kan findes her.

Ved spørgsmål til registrering, indsendelse eller andet, kontakt venligst eller telefon +45 6613 9973.


  for kids only   

International Biennale for Kids in Printmaking – 2021


Funen Printmaking Studio invites all children in the age of 5 to 16 years to participate in our International Biennale for Kids in Printmaking. The theme is the fairytales of H C Andersen.

All participants are guaranteed to be part of our exhibition from in August 2021.

A jury will be rewarding at least three pieces of print from the exhibition. The winners will be announced in our gallery in August 2021.


This year’s theme is H. C. Andersen’s fairytales. You can freely choose what fairytale you want as inspiration for your print. The technique is up to you, but it is important that it is a printed piece of art.


The print has to be 10 x 10 cm (the paper format a maximum size of 15x15cm).

Each child can hand in 2 prints. If you are signed up with a class, it is one print per child.

If you do not have the opportunity to use a printing press, there are several methods for printmaking, like monotyping. We have a YouTube-channel (Fyns Grafiske Værksted) with some inspiration for printing with this technique at home or at school:

Go to YouTube >


Practical information

Deadline for signing up: June 1st, 2023

Deadline for submission of artwork: June 15, 2023

Price per child (max 2 prints): 10€ – which can be purchased from our web shop

Price for a class (1 print per child): 25€ – which can be purchased from our web shop

When you participate you accept that Funen Printmaking Studio use pictures of the prints at the exhibition for promoting and announcing IBK23.

IBK has a Facebook profile with pictures from the biennale, registration form among other things here >

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions via

phone +45 6613 9973

or e-mail